Here's a summary of Sixth Grade (Room 18) at SJA:
Text: Sadlier We Believe Series: We Are God's People
*focus is on the Old Testament (our faith ancestors)
*student Bibles are available to go home when needed
*weekly mass
*grade is based on:
-chapter tests
-mass participation
-class discussion
Text: McDougal Littell English & Savvas Workbook
*focus is on grammar, writing process, creative writing, language & research skills, report writing
*includes journal writing/developing a personal voice
*grade is based on:
-chapter exercises/tests
-reinforcement worksheets
-student writing
Silent Reading
*students read books of their choice (grade level appropriate)
*daily after lunch & recess
Specials (Computer, Gym, Art, Library, Music, Spanish)
*students receive grades/conduct on report cards at the semester
*grades (including satisfactory & unsatisfactory) are considered in honor roll distinction
Text: Savvas "My Perspectives"
*text is literature based (well known authors/variety of genres)
*spelling, vocabulary, grammar, reading and comprehension skills
*includes class book projects
*SRA provides reading practice at the appropriate reading level
*Accelerated Reader (online computer generated quizzes) will be assigned for each quarter
*grade is based on:
-skill activities & worksheets
-reading tests
-vocabulary quizzes
-reading analysis/book reports
-Accelerated Reader quizzes
Science (taught by Mrs. Lietaert)
Text: Macmillan/McGraw Hill
Text: Scott Foresman Science
*major focus: The Scientific Method
science project due in first semester and includes both a written report and display
*emphasis in sixth grade is on Physical Science (classifying matter, chemistry, forces and motion and exploring energy)
*unit on the drugs & the human body in done in conjunction with the “Too Good for Drugs” program
*grade is based on:
-chapter notes
-chapter reviews
-chapter activities
-chapter vocabulary
-quizzes and tests
-science project
-lab work/investigation
-Super Science magazine
Social Studies (taught by Mrs. Malek)
Text: Human Heritage: A World History
We will be studying:
*Ancient Egypt
*Ancient Rome
*Ancient Greece
*River Valley Civilizations
*The Middle Ages
*The Renaissance Era