Tuition Policy for 2024-2025
For tuition rates, please contact the school office:
Registration is open for all NEW families starting on Monday, February 5th, 2024
Catholic tuition rates are for “Catholic students,” i.e., baptized Catholic or baptized in another Christian Church, but formally received into the Catholic Church through the RCIA or another formal act.
Non-Catholic tuition rates are for non-Catholic students.
Payment Options:
Fees for 2024 – 2025
Registration Fee (Preschool–Gr. 8) $300 per family - The fee is not refundable but is applicable to the total tuition. The fee increases to $500 starting on March 4th.
One Registration deposit covers Preschool - Gr.8, but Preschool and K-8 tuition remain separate and will be added together to produce the total tuition due.
Is there anything I can do to reduce the cost of my tuition?
Apply for an Archdiocesan Grant, which is based on financial need. Details and applications are available in the link that is on the left of this page. The deadline for application is February 19, 2024.
St. Joan of Arc School alumni can sign up for the Alumni grant of $150/year. The form is available in the school office.
Use the school’s RAISE RIGHT Program. Buy gift cards at face value for shopping, groceries, and numerous other stores) and receive a rebate on tuition. Families will receive 100% of Scrip credit. Contact the office for more information.
Apply for St. Joan of Arc Parish Tuition Assistance. SJA Parish membership and one year at St. Joan of Arc School are required. This one-time grant is available for families with unexpected financial difficulties. If the request is being made within the time frame of the Archdiocesan Grant process, the family must also have applied for the Archdiocesan Grant. Contact the office for more information.