22415 Overlake Street | Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 Phone 586.775.8370 | Fax 586.447.3574
Mrs. Krafchak-Second Grade-Room 204
Welcome to our Room 204 Family,and to the 2024-2025 School Year!! I am looking forward to a WONDERFUL YEAR!!Woo Hoo!! We're in Grade 2!!
Use the tabs at the side to find out helpful information about our classroom. Also, continue to scroll down and take a sneak peek into our room!. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me. mkrafchak@stjoan.net
Take care and God bless! This is going to be a great year! Mrs. Krafchak
St. Joan of Arc, Pray for Us! Blessed Solanus Casey, Pray for Us!
*Don't forget to sign up for Flocknotes @www.flocknote.com/sja to receive notices/texts fromme.
A Foundation of Faith and Excellence
As a Catholic community rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, St. Joan of Arc School proclaims its mission to lead students in knowing God and the Gospel, through prayer, worship, study and service. As a professional learning community, we promote the highest academic standards of achievement, according to each student’s unique abilities and needs.