22415 Overlake Street | Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 Phone 586.775.8370 | Fax 586.447.3574
SJA Collegiate/ Professional Athletes
SJA Collegiate/ Professional Athletes
Joe D’Angelo
SJA Class of 1956
University of Detroit Jesuit Football 1960-64
Steve Mass
SJA Class of 1956
University of Detroit Jesuit Football 1964, University of Arizona Football 1965
Drafted by Oakland Raiders, Miami Dolphins 1966
Tom Smith
SJA Class of 1956
Villinova University Football 1960-64
Drafted by LA Rams, Pittsburgh Steelers 1964-65
Ted J. Buda, Jr
SJA Class of 1957
Michigan State University Football 1961-62, Wayne State University Baseball 1962-65
Raymond Malcoun
SJA Class of 1959
University of Detroit Jesuit Football 1963-64, Drake University Football 1965-67
Cory Richardson
SJA Class of 1959
University of Wyoming Football 1964-68
Gary Nowak
SJA Class of 1963
Michigan State University Football 1967-71
Drafted by San Diego Chargers
Bob David
SJA Class of 1966
Wayne State University Football 1971-73
Craig Van Vliet
SJA Class of 1972
Wayne State University Track and Field 1976-78
Don Brosky
SJA Class of 1975
Wayne State University Football 1979-80
Mark Ciaravino
SJA Class of 1975
University of Detroit Baseball 1979-83
John DiMartino
SJA Class of 1975
University of Michigan Hockey 1979-83
Jim Gorzalski
SJA Class of 1976
Syracuse University Football 1980-84
Mike Lopiccolo
SJA Class of 1977
University of Detroit Baseball 1981-85
Tommy Ostroski
SJA Class of 1977
University of Detroit Baseball
Chris Gust
SJA Class of 1978
University of Michigan Baseball 1983-87
Dan Vargo
SJA Class of 1981
University of Toledo Football 1986-89
Joan Reiger
SJA Class of 1982
University of Michigan Basketball 1986-90
Jon Palazzo
SJA Class of 1982
Hillsdale University Football 1986-90
Christina Comito
SJA Class of 1983
Lake Superior State University Basketball 1987-91
Barbara Periard (Loeher)
SJA Class of 1983
University of Michigan Basketball 1987-91
Joseph Stavale
SJA Class of 1983
Lake Superior State University Basketball 1987-91
Daniel Saigh
SJA Class of 1984
Western Michigan University Football 1991-1992
John Twomey
SJA Class of 1984
Ferris State University Football 1989-1992
Steve Vargo
SJA Class of 1984
Wayne State University Football 1989-92
Tim Wilhelm
SJA Class of 1986
St Josephs College Football 1994
Joseph Drouin
SJA Class of 1988
Adrian College Football 1992-96
Scott McCabe
SJA Class of 1988
Lake Superior State University Hockey 1992-96
Allison Scarfome
SJA Class of 1997
University of Detroit Mercy Softball 2002-05
Charles Kaiser
SJA Class of 1999
Wayne State University Football 2004-07
Mallory Holloway
SJA Class of 2000
Michigan State University Cheerleading 2004-06
Michael Bramos
SJA Class of 2001
University of Miami (Ohio) Basketball 2005-09
Jessica Richardson
SJA Class of 2001
Adrain College Softball 2005
Caitlin Bennett
SJA Class of 2002
Grand Valley State University Golf 2006-10
Jacob Bloomhuff
SJA Class of 2002
Washington Jefferson University Football 2006-10
Mike Kaiser
SJA Class of 2002
Aquinas Baseball 2006-10
Adam Miller
SJA Class of 2002
Florida Southern University Baseball 2006-11
Ronnie Bedway
SJA Class of 2003
Hillsdale Football 2007-11
Shiana Neilson (Buhl)
SJA Class of 2003
Alma College Swimming 2007-11, Volleyball 2007-08
Giancarlo Brugnoni
SJA Class of 2005
Grand Valley State University Baseball 2009-14
Signed as free agent by the Detroit Tigers
Danny Calcatera
SJA Class of 2005
Kalamazoo College Basketball 2009-11 University of Michigan Dearborn Basketball
Professional Basketball in Spain for Reus Deportiu
Andrew Jeanguenat
SJA Class of 2005
MIT Baseball 2009-13
Maddie Kent
SJA Class of 2005
Wayne State University Volleyball 2009-12
Melissa Richards
SJA Class of 2005
Northwood University (Florida) Softball 2011-13
Paige Shields
SJA Class of 2005
Northwood University Softball 2009-13
Mathew Van Egmond
SJA Class of 2005
Hillsdale University Track and Cross Country 2009-13
Couryn Beleck
SJA Class of 2006
University of Michigan Rugby 2010-12
Nick Frontczak
SJA Class of 2006
Adrian College LaCrosse 2010-14
Michael Grimm
SJA Class of 2006
Ferris State University Football 2010-14
Joshua Richardson
SJA Class of 2006
Adrian College Baseball 2010-14
Doug Van Elsander
SJA Class of 2006
Northwood University Football 2010-12, Central Michigan 2013-14
Dominic Brugroni
SJA Class of 2007
Florida Southern University Baseball 2011-present
Joey Giordano
SJA Class of 2007
Rochester College Hockey 2012-present
Anthony Shaheen
SJA Class of 2007
Kalamazoo College Baseball 2008-12
Jessica Langer
SJA Class of 2008
Northwood University Soccer 2012-present
Sarah Richardson
SJA Class of 2008
Adrian College Softball 2012-present
Danny Schwarzwalder
SJA Class of 2008
Wayne State University Golf 2012-14
Kathryn Van Egmond
SJA Class of 2008
Hillsdale University Track and Cross Country 2012-present
Zach Van Elsander
SJA Class of 2008
Northwood University 2012-present
Amy Zaranek
SJA Class of 2008
Wayne State University Softball 2012
Kourtney Allen
SJA Class of 2009
Lawrence Tech University Volleyball 2013
Monica Brugnoni
SJA Class of 2009
Albion College Softball 2013-present
If you see any mistakes or have anyone you would like to add to this list please contact Charlie Kaiser at ckaiser@stjoan.net